The Sponsored Research Charter (AMAFI / 22-44), drawn up in May 2022 in partnership with SFAF and AFG, provides assurance that analyses produced by research firms are conducted in such a way as to guarantee objectivity and thus ensure that they are recognised as genuine investment research.
Sponsored research: practice whereby research providers offer issuers, particularly mid-cap issuers, coverage of their company in return for remuneration.
Consult the sponsored research register
In accordance with Articles 7 and 14 of the charter, AMAFI has set up a registry that is used to hold all contracts and riders signed under the charter in one place and to make this information available to the AMF. The section of the registry containing research that is entirely paid for by issuers is publicly accessible on condition that analysts’ names are not divulged. AMAFI has established procedures ensuring that only those responsible for the registry can access the private area. It undertakes not to use this information for any reason other than to provide general statistics on the development of the sponsored research market, where required.
Research providers: Email your completed file to this address.