Representing financial market professionals based in France

Committees and Groups

AMAFI expresses on behalf of its members a collective voice on all issues related to the financial market regulatory framework, whether they are related to :

  • Defining the conditions under which the regulatory framework must evolve (upstream engagement towards stakeholders responsible at national, European or international levels of the drafting of the legislation),
  • Implementing these texts (downstream engagement to help its members in the actions they must take to comply with the legislation),
  • Facilitating the public debate around the economic and social role of markets.

Under the supervision of its Board, the various components on the basis of which are determined AMAFI’s positions are defined in Commissions, Committees or Groups.

The Commissions, Committees and Groups (AMAFI / 24-71) are made up of representatives from AMAFI’s members and in specific cases of external stakeholders. As these representatives often occupy a senior role in their group, they bring their expertise and professional experience to the different workstreams. The work of Commissions, Committees and Groups is carried out with the help of the different departments around which AMAFI is structured. Most of the documents produced by AMAFI are drafted in these forums, especially when it comes to defining a public position in response to consultations conducted at international, European or national levels in areas impacting market actors.