Representing financial market professionals based in France


Why join us?

AMAFI serves its members by keeping them informed, representing their interests, promoting their activities and ensuring that they operate within an appropriate framework.

Membership benefits

AMAFI members:

  • are closely involved in discussion and analysis of developments in financial market operations and, in particular, they take part in industry-wide projects.
  • have full access to AMAFI's database through a Members Area on the website, which contains all the documents produced by AMAFI as part of its member support and regulatory intelligence activities. 
  • participate in industry-wide projects handled through the standing committees (Collective Bargaining Commission, Commodities, Compliance, Corporate Finance, Legal, Tax,  Market Structure, Small, Medium and Mid-Market Companies, and AMAFI-AFTI Markets Committee Post-Trade).
  • play an official part in AMAFI's activities (direct members only), i.e. vote at the annual general meeting and put forward candidates for seats on the Board.
  • attend AMAFI conferences

Becoming a member

Membership is open to all entities that are active in financial markets, i.e. credit institutions, investment firms, market operators, clearing houses, central depositaries, and settlement system operators

There are three membership categories: Direct Member, Associate Member and Correspondent Member. The choice of category depends on the amount of information the applicant wishes to receive and the role it wants to play in AMAFI's activities. The Board vets all choices. Each category has specific entitlements, with corresponding dues.

Direct Members

  • have full access to information, intelligence briefings and analyses intended specifically for firms obliged to join a professional association, as well as to documentation and communication tools  
  • can vote at AMAFI's Annual General Meeting and put forward candidates for board membership
  • are entitled to join standing committees and working groups and to attend conferences.

Associate Members 

  • This membership category is intended for financial firms and service providers that are not required to join a professional association but that wish to play an active part in AMAFI's work through its standing committees and working groups.
  • Associate Members have full access to the document database and communication tools.
  • Associate Members are entitled to join standing committees and working groups and to attend conferences.

Correspondent Members  

  • This membership category is intended for financial firms and service providers that are not required to join a professional association and simply want access to AMAFI documentation, conferences and communication tools.

How to join us

Click here to download the membership application form. The form must be completed and returned to AMAFI along with:

  • your articles of association

  • the CVs of the two most senior executives

Your application will be examined at the next following Board meeting and you will receive a reply at the earliest possible opportunity


22-23 - Competition Law Compliance Charter download
24-02 - Rules AMAFI contribution 2024 download
Membership application download
List of members download