Representing financial market professionals based in France



Loi PACTE – Actifs numériques : Statut des prestataires

L’AMAFI a été sollicitée par l’AMF afin de contribuer aux projets de textes d’application (décret et règlement général) relatifs aux prestataires de services sur actifs numériques (PSAN), &a...


Interdealer Market

The French regulators confirm their position on the interdealer market in the context of a no-deal Brexit: by way of a joint letter received on 14 February 2019 by the AMAFI, the AMF and the ACPR confirm that : « if the only investment services or...



PRIIPs   On 8 November 2018, the ESAs published a consultation paper (JC 2018 60) with draft amendments to Commission Delegated Regulation 2017/653 on the key information document (KID) for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIP...


SME growth markets

On 3 December, the European Parliament's ECON Committee adopted its report on SME growth markets.   Broadly speaking, the ECON Committee listened to AMAFI's proposals (AMAFI / 18-44), because the report, while not distinguishing companies accord...


Review of the European Supervisory Authorities

On 10 January, the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) adopted its position on the reform of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) initiated by the European Commission in September 2017. However, with differences persi...


ICSA – OECD gathering

The International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA) met with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the first time in Paris in late September. ICSA’s delegation, led by its chairman, Pierre de Lauzun, held talks with Gre...


Contrat de liquidité

Par sa décision 2018-01 publiée tout début juillet, l’AMF a modifié, au terme de plusieurs mois d’échanges avec l’Association, la pratique de marché admise dans le cadre de laquelle les contrats de liquid...


Brexit – Access to central counterparties

Derivatives perform a critical function by enabling companies and investors to hedge their risks. Right now, though, the only effective clearing solutions for many of these products are located in the United Kingdom. Given this situation and the prospect of a hard...


Prudential treatment of investment firms

In late September, the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) adopted a report on the prudential treatment of investment firms. The Parliament took into account  several requests made by AMAFI, notably concerning remuner...


European Action Committee

Less than seven months before the UK leaves the EU, marking a change that will redraw Europe’s financial landscape, it is important that AMAFI can engage with European institutions in a manner commensurate with the challenges faced by its members and the wid...