Representing financial market professionals based in France



Secondary market in cyber-assets

In recent months, the AMAFI has been actively participating in discussions on issues surrounding cyber-assets. In addition to engaging with the AMF on initial coin offerings (cf. Financial Newsletter No. 34), the association has been talking with the Treasury abou...


MiFIDVision – AMAFI study

As part of work led by the MiFIDVision platform (cf. Financial Newsletter No. 34), AMAFI carried out a study on the coverage of French stocks by investment research firms between end-2005 and end-2017 (AMAFI / 18-52).   Unsurprisingly, the findings poi...


Guide AMAFI-AFG - Commercialisation des produits financiers sur indices ESG

L'AMAFI et l'AFG publient un Guide pour la commercialisation des produits financiers sur indices ESG, mettant ainsi à votre disposition un standard de Place destiné à encadrer la commercialisation des produits financiers ayant pour sou...


Mise à jour du Guide AMAFI Coûts et frais

Le 30 novembre dernier l’AMAFI avait mis à disposition de ses adhérents son Guide de mise en œuvre des obligations MIF 2 d’informations sur les coûts et frais (AMAFI / 17-76).   Suite à la publication par l&r...


PRIIPs : AMAFI and DDV alert the European Commission

PRIIPs has been in application for a number of months now, and it has become apparent that the method used to prepare key information documents (KIDs), as required by European regulations, is leading fairly often to unrealistic or misleading results, particularly...


ICSA – FSB meeting, Basel, 2 May 2018

The International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA), which has been chaired by Pierre de Lauzun since May 2017, met with the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in early May of this year. As an international forum comprising G20 banking and market supervisors...


IOSCO Annual Conference, Budapest, 8-10 May 2018

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) held its 2018 annual conference in Budapest at the start of May. Alongside the public discussions, bilateral meetings between the finance industry and regulators were also organised, as they are each...


Conflicts of interest and IPOs

In mid-February, IOSCO published proposed measures on conflicts of interest identified in equity initial public offerings (equity IPOs) and secondary equity offerings. Eight measures were put forward, informed in particular by the new provisions set out by MiFID I...



Product governance The work of the European Working Group (EWG) bringing together a panel of financial players in Europe, including AMAFI, resumed in early 2018. After several months’ use of the standardised European MiFID Template (EMT) developed in 2017...