Representing financial market professionals based in France




AMAFI met with AMF representatives to talk about international securities identification numbers (ISINs) for financial instruments and the concept of "traded on a trading venue" (TOTV), following positions adopted by the ESMA Board of Supervisors on 29 M...


Reforming France's independent authorities

AMAFI published a briefing paper (AMAFI / 17-34) on reforms to France's independent administrative authorities (AAIs) and independent public authorities (APIs) resulting from measures introduced by Act No. 2017-55 of 20 January 2017. In addition to briefly rev...



AMAFI continues to keep a close watch on the work being done at European level to adopt a new Prospectus Regulation, one of the first concrete measures in the CMU project. While the regulation is expected to be definitively adopted following trialogue discussio...


Capital markets union (CMU)

In late January the European Commission began a mid-term review of its CMU action plan. The aim was to take stock of legislative initiatives undertaken since 2015 and gather feedback from stakeholders on positive aspects and possible improvements to the plan. A...



MiFID 2 compliance of trading platforms There is an operational risk of a market seize-up in early 2018. The issue lies with the fact that markets must make changes to their order management and data dissemination systems to comply with the new regulatory requi...


Abus de marché

L’AMAFI a mis à jour début février (AMAFI / 17-13) son document de questions-réponses sur le dispositif Abus de marché (MAR) dont la première version a été publiée en juin 2016 (AMAFI / 16-29)....


Version 2017 des guides AMAFI TTF

La version 2017 des guides AMAFI TTF-FR et AMAFI TTF-EN est désormais disponible.


Prix Turgot 2017 pour le livre "plus de marché pour plus d'état"

Publié par les éditions Revue Banque et Eyrolles, avec le concours de l’AMAFI, le livre « Plus de marché pour plus d’Etat ! » ; écrit par Philippe Tibi, Président d’Honneur de l&r...


Ruptures technologiques et finance

Consultez l’enquête « Ruptures technologiques et finance » rendue publique le 21 février à l’occasion des 7ème Rencontres des professionnels de la dette et du change.



Product governance  As 2017 got underway, AMAFI shared an initial version of its guide to implementing product governance arrangements with the AMF and several French industry associations (FBF, AFG and AFTI). AMAFI will use the feedback to modify the draf...