Representing financial market professionals based in France



Interdiction de publicité

Le projet de loi Sapin 2 en cours d’examen par le Parlement doit introduire dans le Code monétaire et financier un dispositif d’interdiction des communications électroniques à caractère promotionnelle adressées &agrav...


LSE-DB merger

The European Commission was informed of the proposed tie-up between the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Deutsche Börse (DB) on 24 August, after shareholders of the two exchanges voted in favour of the deal. This triggered an initial investigation by the Direc...



The MiFID 2 Project Leaders Group set up at end-2015 continued its work between May and July 2016, holding three thematic meetings on product governance and cost & expense reporting. It is currently preparing an implementation guide on product governance.&nbsp...


Market abuse

Following the entry into effect on 3 July of the new Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) along with several pieces of Level 2 legislation, AMAFI expanded its FAQ to include new questions on market soundings that were discussed with AMF staff in January (AMAFI / 16-29)....


PRIIPS (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products)

PRIIPs : Les associations professionnelles du secteur financier et d’épargnants unies pour la défense de l’information et de la protection des consommateurs français


AMAFI Annual General Meeting

AMAFI Annual General Meeting took place in Paris, 9 June 2016.


Lancement du Cercle Mécénat et Finance

L’AMAFI et les Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie ont lancé le premier Cercle d’entreprises du monde de la finance désireuses de soutenir les projets de l’institution culturelle. Le Cercle Mécénat e...



On 10 February the European Commission proposed amendments to the MiFID 2 package and suggested a delay in its entry into force, initially intended for 3 January 2017. The delay has yet to be approved by the European Council and Parliament, which could also introd...


Market abuse

The new Market Abuse Regulation will come into force on 3 July. Some of the Level 2 measures, including the implementing regulations and the delegated regulation, were recently published in the OJEU. One of the main thrusts is the Implementing Technical Standards...


Réunion EFSA, Varsovie, 13-14 avril 2016

L’EFSA, European Forum of Securities Associations, regroupement informel des associations représentant les activités de marchés en Allemagne, Danemark, Espagne, France, Italie, Pologne, Royaume-Uni et Suède, s’est réu...